Healing Journeys to the Aegean
From time to time, the daily hustle and bustle causes us to move away from our true self. The stressful life of the big city means that our own energy is negatively influenced, and we find ourselves in a spiritual void or can no longer concentrate. In such moments we should participate in different activities so that we can find the way back to ourselves and make peace with our true self. At this point a man who was born in Turkey and grew up in Germany can be of help to you: İlyas Bubliş, founder of an environmental organization who spent some time in India to study Buddhism and Hinduism and who, with his deep knowledge in Sufism, organizes healings, individual meetings and organizations in the historical atmosphere of the Aegean and will be the spiritual guide at the event. Bubliş, who knows the natural beauties and wonders of the area very well, guides you on the trips in which a maximum of 15-20 people can participate, during which he will try to solve all personal questions, wishes or problems of every single participant.
The thermal baths of Sultaniye, which have been used since Byzantine times and which have a temperature between 39 and 42 degrees Celsius, are known to cure rheumatism, lumbago, skin and nerve diseases thanks to their sulphuric waters, while the mud baths contribute to the rejuvenation of the skin. This natural wonder is located on the highest mountain of Muğla, the mountain Sandras, at 2300 m. A visit to the highest place of pilgrimage of the Sufis on Sandras summit and keeps the fame of this mountain…
The mountain of Sandras is a living geography that still lives in untouched nature with its traditionally preserved diversity of life and biological species.
There will also be an excursion to the rock tombs of Kaunos where you can also visit the famous turtle beach and shop in Köyceğiz at a farmer’s market.
In addition to these excursions, meditation sessions are held in the midst of Mother Nature, surrounded by thousands of years old trees, and healing sessions are organized by internalizing the enchanted rhythm of special mantras at sunset in Kaunos.
Was Sie vor Beginn der Sitzungen wissen sollten?
Vor einer besonderen Sitzung sollte unbedingt ein Termin ausgemacht werden. Unsere Sitzung dauert etwa 35-45 Minuten. Sie müssen ihrem Körper, ihrem Verstand und ihrem Geist mindestens 1 Stunde Zeit anerkennen, damit die übertragene Energie aufgenommen werden kann.
Die Übernachtung findet in Dalyan im Sultan Palas Hotel inmitten der Natur statt. Das Sultan Palas verfügt über eine Küche, die für Vegetarier und Veganer geeignet ist und es gibt köstliche lokale und traditionelle Gerichte, die mit Produkten aus dem Garten des Sultan Palas kommen. Die Zimmer verfügen über Klimaanlage, es gibt einen schönen Garten mit Pool. Also ein Ort, an dem Sie genug Möglichkeiten haben sich von Ihrem Stress zu befreien. Für die Gäste, die sich interessieren gibt es übrigens auch ein Detox-Menü. Mehr Informationen finden auf der Webseite des Hotels: https://sultanpalasotel.com
Auch nach eingehenden Anfragen Orhaniye, Marmaris und in der Nähe des Zielortes der verschiedenen Hotels müssen wir arbeiten.
Falls also auch Sie sich mit dem Streben nach Liebe, Licht und Wahrheit in der magischen Atmosphäre der Ägäis erholen möchten, dann können Sie uns ganz einfach erreichen.

At the end of the sessions, positive effects such as these will become noticeable:
- Liberation from negative feelings
- Increased mental, spiritual, emotional and physical awareness
- Rebuilding self-confidence
- Recognition of the purpose of life and a more meaningful understanding for it
- The feeling of balance
- A feeling of relaxation and ease
- Better quality of sleep
- Feelings of fear and discomfort are reduced
- Reduced judgement
- Concentration and focus are strengthened
- More love and affection for life and other living beings
- Thinking with the heart and feeling with the mind